As if it was the first time
AccueilAs if it was the first time
Red foundry wax, steel, pink polyester T-shirt, Hydrocal, Sisal fiber, rebound 25 silicone, expanding foam, plastic bag, photo projection.
During one of his notorious falls, seized by a bird-like desire, despite the absorbed mud, he still covets the acme. “Come on, my friend, let’s go!” Knowing now that there is hardly any passion without struggle, he climbs and no longer thinks about it. Looking within himself, he is confident. In his heart echoes the cry of the bird rising on his path, carrying with it his image into the light.
Standing on the ruins of paradise, he holds the fiery element, burning his name in the darkened sky. Fearless and supple, he sails on the shores of life, human; yes, I know where I come from!